Get My Cheat Sheet for risk savvy investors BEFORE the next market crash

Details below…

Risk management for savvy investors

Why do I go the office wearing an Aloha shirt- and not some stuffy Wall Street suit? Because I believe that the reason we save and invest is so that we can have our best quality of life. We don’t live to accumulate money, we save our money so that we can live more fully - wouldn’t you agree? As for me, going to Hawaii is one of those things that makes life special for me and my family. And besides, I don’t like stuffy Wall Street suits anyway.

glad you’re here…

By the way, thanks for coming by. I assume you’re here because you want to be more risk-savvy about your investments. I don’t blame you. Early in my career, when I blindly trusted Wall Street and mutual funds and proceeded to lose 88% in my “OTC and Emerging Growth Fund” after the 2000 crash, I vowed to be more nuanced, more savvy about my investments, AND in how I advised clients.

experience yields results

Years of practicing (and refusing the Wall St Kool Aid) led me to realize the benefits of having a more systematic plan to investing - one with risk management built into the process. Just like you wouldn’t drive a car without brakes and a steering wheel, you shouldn’t invest without a risk management plan. Furthermore, after the accident is NOT the time to think of your brakes right?

finally my offer

With all of that said, I want to offer you my “cheat sheet” that outlines briefly 3 investment strategies that we use that build in risk management. I offer this to you, while the market is going up up up (as of 9/1/20) so that you can consider some ways to protect what you’ve worked hard to accumulate.

I’m guessing you’re here because you have enough wealth and enough knowledge to know that when things seem rosiest in financial markets, that is the time to look over your shoulder. And we both know that now qualifies as one of those times (can you think of a company or two that is worth billions, or close to a trillion dollars with little or no earnings? I can).

My idea here for you - get my cheat sheet, review it, benefit from it, and if the benefit potential is great enough, let’s continue the conversation. Get started on putting some thought into your portfolio planning so that the next 50% correction doesn’t cost you six to seven figures. All you have to do to get this free cheat sheet is to enter your name and email in the form here and I will forward it along right away.

remember you get me

And note - this is no automated system. I run a personalized shop so I will reply to you personally with the sheet. You won’t get a bot or even a secretary. You’ll get me directly. So if you have a question, email me right back.

In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you and sharing ways to help protect your money.


Chris Grande, MSIM, CFP®
